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Book The Mindfulness and Acceptance Workbook for Anxiety : A Guide to Breaking Free from Anxiety, Phobias, and Worry Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy by Georg H. Eifert in MOBI, DOC


Is anxiety and fear a problem for you? Have you tried to win the war with your anxious mind and body, only to end up feeling frustrated, powerless, and stuck? If so, you're not alone. But there is a way forward, a path into genuine happiness, and a way back into living the kind of life you so desperately want. This workbook will help you get started on this new journey today! Now in its second edition, The Mindfulness and Acceptance Workbook for Anxiety offers a new approach to your anxiety, fears, and your life. Within its pages, you'll find a powerful and tested set of tools and strategies to help you gain freedom from fear, trauma, worry, and all the many manifestations of anxiety and fear. The book offers an empowering approach to help you create the kind of life you so desperately want to live. Based on a revolutionary approach to psychological health and wellness called acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), this fully revised and updated second edition offers compelling new exercises to help you create the conditions for your own genuine happiness and peace of mind. You'll learn how your mind can trap you, keeping you stuck and struggling in anxiety and fear. You'll also discover ways to nurture your capacity for acceptance, mindfulness, kindness, and compassion, and use these qualities to weaken the power of anxiety and fear so that you can gain the space do what truly matters to you. Now is the time. Nobody chooses anxiety. And there is no healthy way to "turn off" anxious thoughts and feelings like a light switch. But you can learn to break free from the shackles of anxiety and fear and take back your life. The purpose of this workbook is to help you do just that. Your life is calling on you to make that choice, and the skills in this workbook can help you make it happen. You can live better, more fully, and more richly with or without anxiety and fear. This book will show you the way. This book has been awarded The Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Self-Help Seal of Merit -- an award bestowed on outstanding self-help books that are consistent with cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) principles and that incorporate scientifically tested strategies for overcoming mental health difficulties. Used alone or in conjunction with therapy, our books offer powerful tools readers can use to jump-start changes in their lives., Stop avoiding anxiety and start showing up to your life! Now in its second edition, The Mindfulness and Acceptance Workbook for Anxiety offers new, step-by-step skills based in acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) to help you get started today. This edition features new chapters on trauma, self-as-context, and painful pasts. Do you try to control your worry, fear, and panic, only to fail and end up feeling frustrated and powerless? Unfortunately, you cannot simply "turn off" anxious thoughts and feelings like a light switch. But there are ways you can take back your life and stop avoiding the things that cause you anxiety. This book has one purpose: to help you live better, more fully, and more richly. Your life is calling on you to make that choice, and the skills in this workbook can help you make it happen. This fully revised and updated second edition offers compelling new ACT exercises to help you finally conquer your anxiety. You'll learn how your mind can trap you, keeping you stuck and struggling in anxiety and fear. You'll also discover ways to nurture your capacity for acceptance, mindfulness, kindness, and compassion, and use these qualities to shift your focus away from anxiety and onto what you really want your life to be about. Finally, you'll learn how to let go of the trauma and painful past experiences that can fuel your anxiety. No matter what kind of anxiety problem you're struggling with, this workbook can guide you toward a more vibrant and purposeful life. This book has been awarded The Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Self-Help Seal of Merit -- an award bestowed on outstanding self-help books that are consistent with cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) principles and that incorporate scientifically tested strategies for overcoming mental health difficulties. Used alone or in conjunction with therapy, our books offer powerful tools readers can use to jump-start changes in their lives.

Georg H. Eifert - The Mindfulness and Acceptance Workbook for Anxiety : A Guide to Breaking Free from Anxiety, Phobias, and Worry Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy read PDF, DOC, TXT

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